
Business survival is centred around Cashflow Management. A clear understanding of the money coming in and out of your business has never been more important than right now.

Hunter McLeod are offering one-on-one business support to help business owners understand and manage their cashflow position. We will examine all aspects of your business to create a comprehensive Financial Forecast report. Budgeting, cashflow planning, business strategies and forecasting all play an important role in Cashflow management.

It is important we provide businesses with professional Cashflow advice and the tools needed to guide them through these uncertain times.

Outcomes and benefits

  • Understanding your current cashflow position
  • Identifying areas to improve cashflow performance
  • Identifying unnecessary expenditure and cost cutting measures
  • Forecast of short-to-medium cashflow needs
  • Scenario planning – looking at the “what ifs”
  • A comprehensive Financial Forecast Report including a Cash Manag­ement Plan, Profit & Loss, and Cashflow Forecast
  • Assistance with third party lending if this is required

Each session is customised to each individual business owner.

Businesses may be eligible for support these services under the COVID-19 Business Advisory Fund for this service. Find out more by visiting